230 competitions documented 469 competitions listed
6 022 projects 61 340 documents
Architecture for culture, research, sport or leisure | Complexes |

Îlot des Palais

Stage 1
Bélanger Beauchemin, architectes et Anne Vallières, architecte (Winner)
Gagnon Letellier Cyr Ricard Mathieu architectes (S. Brochu et F. Paradis)
Consortium L'Architecte Jacques Plante / Schème / St-Gelais Montminy + Associates
Atelier 21 / BTAE / AD
Le consortium Dan Hanganu et Lemay associés, architectes
Côté Leahy Cardas architectes
Amiot Bergeron Fortin, Architectes
Brière Gilbert / Croft Pelletier, architectes
Lapointe Magne - André Roy
Régis Côté et Associés architectes
Les architectes Gallienne et Moisan
Pierre Thibault Architecte
Saucier + Perrotte architectes / Côté Chabot Morel architectes
IMPORTANT NOTICE : Unless otherwise indicated, photographs of buildings and projects are from professional or institutional archives. All reproduction is prohibited unless authorized by the architects, designers, office managers, consortiums or archives centers concerned. The researchers of the Canada Research Chair in Architecture, Competitions and Mediations of Excellence are not held responsible for any omissions or inaccuracies, but appreciate all comments and pertinent information that will permit necessary modifications during future updates.