231 competitions documented 470 competitions listed
6 073 projects 62 242 documents
Public building | Building | Town hall

Edmonton City Hall / Hôtel de ville d'Edmonton

Stage 1
Gene Dub (Winner)
Cordeau-Hopewell, Toronto (Second Prize)
Adamson Associates (Mention)
Barrett and Johnson/Ho-You (Mention)
Bruno Freschi (Mention)
Chandler Kennedy Architectural Group (Mention)
J. Michael Kirkland/Boigan & Amstrong (Mention)
Jerry Gural & Raymond Mandel (Mention)
Murray & Murray Griffiths & Rankin (Mention)
Neish Owen Rowland & Roy (Mention)
R.E. Hulbert and Partners (Mention)
Stinson Montgomery Sisam / Byfield Langford (Mention)
Maragna Architect Inc / Dharanr Malick, Architects and Planners
Joseph Bogdan, Architect
Annau Associates Architects
John Patkau Architect Limited
Michael Brisson & Harald B. Ensslen
Errol Hugh Architects Limited
Jim Strasman Architects, Norman Dobell Architects and Marani, Rounthwaite, and Dick Architects and Engineers
Phillip H. Carter Architect
DuBois Plumb & Associates Architects
George Baird and Associate Architect
Shore, Tilbe, Henschel, Irwin, Peters
Parkin Partnership
E.J. Gaboury and Associates
The Thom Partnership
Zeidler Roberts Partnership/Architects
Leonard O. Rodrigues Architect
Seymour H. Stern
Peter Cardew Architects
Peter Tovell and Robert Glover
Fairbank, Nunas Architect Limited
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