231 competitions documented 470 competitions listed
6 059 projects 62 142 documents
Domestic architecture | Building | House

Dominion Housing Act Small House Competition / Concours de petites maisons dans le cadre de la loi sur le logement

Stage 1
W. Ralston (First prize)
John Fish (Second prize ex aequo)
Harold Greensides-358 (Second prize ex aequo)
Arthur W. Davison (Third prize ex aequo)
W. F. Williams-523 (Third prize ex aequo)
W. J. Abra (Mention)
Richard E. Bolton (Mention)
P. Alan Deacon (Mention)
R. G. Heughan (Mention)
H. Gordon Hugues (Mention)
Maurice D. Klein (Mention)
Lorne E. Marshall (Mention)
Shorey & Ritchie (Mention)
A. H. Tremblay-469 (Mention)
W. F. Williams-524 (Mention)
Peter Dobush
J. W. Leighton
J. H. Lascelles
Harold James Savage
O. Roy Moore & Co
Willford A. Gagnon-99
Samuel Kohn
Maurice Payette
J. C. Drouin
Murray Brown
Franco Consiglio
W. Edward Baker
S. W. Kertland
Willford A. Gagnon-213
Andrew R. Cobb
S. M. Sproule
Hugues Desrosiers
Edward J. Crone
Hutchison & Wood
James A. Woollvan & Harold E. Devitt
Gabriel Desmeules
Hugh Vallance
H. Gordon Hugues-301
J. C. Merrett
Theo Korner
Harold Greensides-359
Ross Brisley-352
Arthur H. Eadie
Ross Brisley-353
W. Ralston- 387
Eric C. Horwood
John S. Archibald Associates
Craig & Madill
Jocelyn Davidson
G. E. Wilson & G. E. Auld-400
G. E. Wilson & G. E. Auld-403
Gascon & Parant
M. J. Mendelssohn
Catto and Catto-421
John T. Findlay
J. D. Kyles
Catto and Catto-437
Catto and Catto-447
Earle C. Morgan
A. H. Tremblay-443
Robert R. Moffat
W. W. Alward
D. D. Carpenter
Arthur E. Cubbidge
Green, Blankstein, Russell & Ham
IMPORTANT NOTICE : Unless otherwise indicated, photographs of buildings and projects are from professional or institutional archives. All reproduction is prohibited unless authorized by the architects, designers, office managers, consortiums or archives centers concerned. The researchers of the Canada Research Chair in Architecture, Competitions and Mediations of Excellence are not held responsible for any omissions or inaccuracies, but appreciate all comments and pertinent information that will permit necessary modifications during future updates.