231 competitions documented 470 competitions listed
6 073 projects 62 242 documents
Domestic architecture | Complexes | Development area

FormShift Vancouver : Wildcard

Stage 1
GO Design Collaborative (Jennifer Uegama / Pauline Thimm)
Wang Yiming
Brian Wakelin
GBL Architects Inc.
Idette de Boer / Magali Bailey
Aiden J Callison
Leila Araghian / Christian Kliegel / Lauren MacCaulay
BCIT Architectural Science (Michel Labrie + Students)
Clarence Chun Ho Lam
Claudia Cozzitorto
Cyril Belshaw
Deux Sheds (Vaughan McGeough)
Donald Rennie
Nick Milkovich Architects
Elspeth McVeigh
Fee-simple Rowhouse Design Team (submission no1)
Fee-simple Rowhouse Design Team (submission no2)
Halverson / McDonald / Fry / Amaya / Gohler / Moradinejad / Martin
Tracey Loverock / Grant Pearse
Iconstrux Architecture Ltd.
JA Joubert Architecture (Marc Joubert)
Ji-Young Soulliere
Katy Mulla / Hendrick Goliker
Leah Briney
Matt Faucher
MSA (Matthew Soules)
Neurone Architecture (Dominique Potvin)
NYIT METRO Sustainability (Frank Lorne)
Pawel Tomasz Balas
Peter Orme
Grant Rob
Samuel Holleran
Shane Peter Czypyha
Shape Architecture w/ Walker Macy
Lorea Sinclaire / Joanna Colpitts / Rachel Simpson
Ronald Simpson / Lewis Villegas
Studio Spleen (Katy Mulla / Michael Parker)
Todd K. Stuart
Suzuki Toshimune
Vadim Litovchenko
IMPORTANT NOTICE : Unless otherwise indicated, photographs of buildings and projects are from professional or institutional archives. All reproduction is prohibited unless authorized by the architects, designers, office managers, consortiums or archives centers concerned. The researchers of the Canada Research Chair in Architecture, Competitions and Mediations of Excellence are not held responsible for any omissions or inaccuracies, but appreciate all comments and pertinent information that will permit necessary modifications during future updates.