A proposal for the revitalization of place Jacques-Cartier and the reconstruction of the two blocks adjacent to it should respect and reinforce three basic qualities that exist there: the slope from place Vauquelin to the waterfront, the many layer of history in and around place Jacques-Cartier, and the namesake of the Place itself - French explorer Jacques-Cartier. This proposal recognizes and embraces these existing characteristics of the site in a effort to enhance the spirit of the Place and illuminate its complexe history. It respects the heritage of the site, but does not rely on strictly "historical" components. Instead it draws upon history to inform the design of it parts which are pratical and innovate in their conception.
(From specialized magazine)
Members of the jury commend the strong feature of this design - the consistent formal organization of the entire project which resulted in a strong contrast between the two major public spaces: the paved active Place Jacques-Cartier and the garden at the Museum de Ramezay. The design of the garden however was considered inappropriate for this area. The attention in the design of the street "furniture" based on historic or indigenous forms contribute to the strong sense of identity for Place Jacques-Cartier.
The introduction of the water taxi terminal and the extension of the river to the foot of Place Jacques-Cartier are among the most significant ideas contributed by this proposal. The proposal for a structure at the base of the Nelson Monument (and the relocation of Nelson and replacement by J. Cartier) were debated by the jury, but reflect a recognition by the designer of the need to provide multiple public uses and services at Place Jacques-Cartier.
While the massing and uses proposed in the entry are compatible with the surrounding context, the overly formal architectural and landscape design vocabulary is detrimental to the scheme.
(From jury report)
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