231 competitions documented 470 competitions listed
6 073 projects 62 340 documents
Public building | Urban spaces | Development area

Aménagement des abords de la station de métro Champ-de-Mars (étudiant) / Redesigning of the Area Around Champ-de-Mars Metro Station (Student)

Stage 1
Petkova (Winner)
Blanchette (Winner)
Aubin / Carrière Marleau (Winner)
Therriault / Malderis (Winner)
Breton / Boily (Winner)
Qi / D'Aoust / Desroches / Toutant / Aguib
Bourque / Serio / Gache / Sorgniard
Fortin / McDonald / Chagnon / Larivière
Payette / Trépanier-Jobin
Lajoie / Morin / Thibault / Lambert / Hébert
Tremblay / Proulx-Cormier / Chawky
Lavallée / Joncas
Bouchard-Fortin / Guérette
Van Leur / Gunawan
Bulota / Leduc / Rivest-Khan
Crampé / Wang / Barette / Lavallée
Gauthier / Kovacevic / Kelly Dorais / Etemadi Shalamzari / Delavari
Martel-Labrecque / Ouellet-Pelletier / Nadeau
Illi / Cagelais / Caya / N'diaye
Blain / Simard / Martin / Georges Burger / Fustec
Cloutier / Soo
Santibanez / Sauthoff / Combe / Lang
Tremblay / Bureau-Alarie / Deguire / Descheneaux / Jacques
Landemaine / Marechal / Destombes
Labonté / Crossman
Gautier / Renault
Vuong / Luk / Wong / Manchoon / Reid
IMPORTANT NOTICE : Unless otherwise indicated, photographs of buildings and projects are from professional or institutional archives. All reproduction is prohibited unless authorized by the architects, designers, office managers, consortiums or archives centers concerned. The researchers of the Canada Research Chair in Architecture, Competitions and Mediations of Excellence are not held responsible for any omissions or inaccuracies, but appreciate all comments and pertinent information that will permit necessary modifications during future updates.